An usher is a spiritual ambassador for the local church – God’s ordained and organized body of believers. The usher serves as a “first representative” of Jesus Christ for a worship service. From the tabernacle in the Old Testament to the temple and synagogue in the New Testament, God’s presence and the teaching of His word is of supreme importance.

Preachers, teachers and musicians minister to people in groups while ushers minister to people as individuals. A word of encouragement or kindness may be the most significant ministry some people receive. Only a few people get to meet the pastor, ask questions, or talk with musicians, but everyone can have an encounter with a good usher.

When you serve as an usher, you set the stage for the worship experience. You are literally part of the continuing story of God’s redemption. Your spiritual readiness and act of service plays a huge role in the life-change that takes place that day.